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Elders' Corner

Greetings brothers and sisters! We hope and pray that you and your loved ones are healthy.

Your shepherds and ministers have been meeting at least once a week since the start of the pandemic. We have also met several times with the Deacons.

As you probably already know, we quickly started providing our Sunday service via recorded video available on YouTube. We then added the ability to get to the videos directly from our website, mandarincc.com. We’ve been providing interactive online (a.k.a. live-stream) Bible studies on Sunday morning, Tuesday morning, and Wednesday night (adult and youth). The Sunday bible studies are also recorded and available on-line. A few weeks ago, we started providing live-stream Sunday services, which are also recorded and available on-line.

Gary Eaton and Troy Regas went to visit Leroy Swaby in Jamaica, who’s mission work we have supported for many years. Their goal was to get a current assessment of the support we provide. Gary and Troy did an excellent job of reviewing and evaluating Leroy’s mission. Their assessment, which the Elders agreed to, was to expand our support. Brother Leroy is an amazingly dedicated servant of our Lord, and continually spreads the Gospel in various ways in areas of Jamaica that have desperate needs in many ways, including spiritual.

Your shepherds and ministers literally pray continually every day, along with weekly virtual prayer meetings. We pray for individuals, the congregation as a whole, and beyond. We are ready to assist you in any way we can.

We love and pray for you, and eagerly await when we can gather together in person again!

-David Frost